Qigong – Meditative Energy Medicine
Tuesdays 12 - 12:50pm @ Buresh Wellness Center, Mt. Vernon
Service Description
Qigong is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Qigong (Qi = life force energy Spirit; gong = “to cultivate”) is used for longevity, preventing and treating illnesses, cultivating skillfulness with difficult emotions, living with greater ease, sending healing intention to others, and for spiritually harmonizing with the universe and The Tao or The Sacred in this the One Reality of which we all are part. With such intent, this class uses simple flowing meditative movement (simpler than that of Qigong's daughter, Tai Chi). To that we add revitalizing energy-based breath work, visualization, a relaxed non-striving attitude, and the power of Yi or intention all of which opens energy pathways and centers of the body for rebalancing mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Class ends with seated meditation, sending healing compassionate intention to others and the planet, and brief Himalayan Singing Bowl vibrational sound medicine. Contact Buresh Center for pricing (I believe it's $10 though free for Buresh Center members, and discounted for seniors, military, and children). Welcoming ALL SKILL LEVELS. For more info, go to https://thelbc.com/
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation and refunds for events held through retreat centers are subject to their refund policies.
Contact Details
Lester Buresh Family Community Wellness Center, Palisades Road Southwest, Mount Vernon, IA, USA